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AG Performance hosts holistic health events designed to enhance well-being through six key pillars: Mindset, Breathing, Sleep, Cold Exposure, Nutrition, and Training. Join us for transformative retreats, workshops, and stress management sessions, including ice baths and guided breathing, to boost resilience, mental clarity, and sustainable wellness.


Check all the event information by clicking below and book your spot.

Lifestyle Day Retreats

01 February & 08 March
Lochau, Austria

Ice Bath & Breathing

Zurich, Switzerland

Running & Mobility

Zurich, Switzerland

Mobility Training

Zurich, Switzerland



01 February & 08 March / 09:00 - 12:30 PM


Mobility Training

Date | Time: to be announced soon


Ice Bath & Breathing

Date | Time: to be announced soon


Running & Mobility

Date | Time: to be announced soon


Leave your email below and we will contact you as soon as we have new event dates!

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